What is Rotary?
Rotary International is an association of Rotary clubs worldwide. It’s made up of more than 33,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. The members of these autonomous clubs are called Rotarians, and they form a global network of 1.2 million business and professional leaders, all volunteering their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. Individual Rotary clubs, in turn, belong to the global association called Rotary International. Find out more about Rotary’s history and structure.
What are the qualifications for membership?
Prospective members must
- Hold (or be retired from) a professional, proprietary, executive, managerial, or community position
- Have demonstrated a commitment to service through personal involvement
- Be able to meet the club’s meetings attendance or community project participation requirements
- Live or work within the vicinity of the club or surrounding area
What are the responsibilities of membership?
Members are expected to attend weekly club meetings. They must pay annual dues to their clubs, their Rotary district, and Rotary International, and they’re expected to participate in local or international Rotary club activities or projects. Clubs encourage members to aspire to club leadership or committee roles.
What are the attendance requirements?
An attendance record of 50 percent is required to remain an active Rotarian.
What is the minimum age to be in Rotary?
There is no minimum age to join Rotary. You may be invited to join at any age after you become established in a career and have the time and financial resources to meet all Rotary club membership requirements. If you’re interested in joining a Rotary club, ask members about the time and financial commitments necessary to fulfill membership requirements, and consider whether you can make those commitments.
Is there a way for high school students to get involved?
Yes. Interact is a Rotary-sponsored service club for those ages 12 to 18. Interact clubs give young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects while developing leadership skills and meeting new friends.
11 reasons to join
- Friendship: Rotary provides one of the most basic human needs: the need for friendship and fellowship.
- Business Development: Everyone needs to network. Rotarians of every business sector and vocation help each other and collectively help others.
- Leadership Education: Rotary is an organisation of leaders and successful people who happily mentor, motivate and influence aspiring leaders.
- Continuing Education: Each weekly meeting provides an opportunity to listen to different expert speakers on a variety of timely topics.
- Fun: Each meeting is fun, our club projects are fun and our social activities are fun.
- Assistance when Travelling: Because there are Rotary clubs everywhere, many Rotarians in need of a job, doctor, lawyer, hotel, dentist, advice, etc., while traveling has found assistance through Rotary.
- Personal Development: Every week and at various events and functions, Rotary helps to develop an individual’s personality, social skills and public speaking skills. Rotary is for people who like people.
- Youth Exchange Programs: Rotary provides one of the world’s largest international youth exchange programs and youth leadership training
- The Development of Ethics: Rotarians are required to be ethical in their business and personal relationships.
- Cultural Awareness: Rotary is a cross section of prominent citizens from practically every country, religion, culture, political persuasion, language, and ethnic identity who learn to work with people everywhere becoming better citizens of their countries in the process.
- 11. The Opportunity to Serve: The chance to do something for somebody else and experience the self-fulfillment that comes in the process is richly rewarding.
Who are Rotarians?
Rotarians are people like you and I. Traditionally they have been persons in positions of leadership in their respective businesses. We at The Rotary Club of Fern Tree Gully are keen to have a club made up of people in our community who want to make a difference. Do you want to make a difference?
What Rotary Isn’t
Rotary isn’t a religious, political, or nationalistic organisation. It does not interfere with the men and women members’ religious, political, or other beliefs. Rotary isn’t some kind of secret society. There are no secret handshakes or the like. Rotary clubs are a bunch of like-minded people united in their desire to make a difference in their community and the world.
What things are Rotary Clubs involved in?
The Rotary Club of Fern Tree Gully is involved in a number of projects -covering the Five Avenues of Service (Club, Vocational, Community, International and New Generations (Youth)). All members are assigned to one of these Committees.
Am I allowed to bring other people along to Rotary?
Absolutely yes! You are most welcome to bring along guests at any time. If the guest is a potential member, the club policy is that the club will fund one visit as a guest. Beyond the first visit, the visitor will then pay for themselves for their meeting. If you have a partner and/or children, they are also most welcome to attend Rotary at any time.
What is the cost of attending Rotary meetings?
Our Rotary Club meets on Monday evenings. Its meal fee is $21 per meeting.
What are the Objectives of Rotary?
The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
- FIRST The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
- SECOND High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
- THIRD The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to their personal, business and community life.
- FOURTH The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.
Does Rotary have a Motto?
Yes – it is `Service Above Self’. It also still has its’ original motto of `They Profit Most Who Serve Best’. In addition, Rotarians aspire to The Four Way Test: It goes like:
The 4-Way Test of the things we think, say or do:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Why does Rotary use Business Classifications?
Rotary uses a classification system in an attempt to establish and maintain a vibrant cross-section or representation of the community’s business, vocational, and professional interests among members. A classification describes either the principal business or the professional service of the organisation that the Rotarian works for or the Rotarian’s own activity within the organisation.
The Club can also appoint “Honorary Members” at the Board’s discretion.
Where is the Head Office of Rotary?
Rotary International is an international organization with its Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois (Chicago), USA.